AMD Investitures 2019

Cheshire and North Wales District was well represented at the Investiture meeting held in the Grand Temple, Great Queen Street in support of their colleagues being invested.

Needless to say nearly everyone who attended from our District then dined in the  Connaughts Rooms for Luncheon.

Drinks being the priority before and after the lunch !!!!

Forest Stroll 2019

On Sunday 20th October the District Grand Prefect, R.W. Bro. Peter Talbot headed his first social gathering since taking office in March.

This being the culmination of the Districts efforts by Cheshire & North Wales brethren to generously contribute to our regalia fund, with the purchase of District Grand Officers collarettes being the first priority.

Peter Talbot  was accompanied by Mrs Susan Talbot, Geoff and Lynne Lloyd, Steve and Kath Tilston, Phil and Siobhán Edwards, Ian Perkin, Diane Poole, Chris Wharmby, Stephen Faiclough, Andy Lockhart, Geoff. Roberts, and Dylan the spaniel dog.

This four and half hour “stroll” was much enjoyed by all in attendance and the thanks to the organisers Ian Perkin and Steve Tilston being well deserved.